Channel: Anthony Russo – The Mary Sue
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Russo Brothers Support Anna Kendrick for Squirrel Girl, So Can We Just Get a Movie Already - Or a show? Or even a post-or-mid-credits scene?!


anna kendrick

All this hype over who wants to play Squirrel Girl is interesting especially because we’re not likely to get a Squirrel Girl movie or television show for a really long time now. But, c’est la vie, and if we’re being honest, playing around with fan-casting can be pretty fun. The latest fans to chime in on the great Who Should Play Squirrel Girl Debate of 2016? The Russo Brothers, who have come out in favor of the ever-popular Anna Kendrick.

In a chat with Yahoo! Movies, Joe Russo said of the Kendrick fan-casting, “It would be perfect casting, and we’re huge Anna Kendrick fans.” Given the fact that they’ll be working on the next few Avengers movies, it’s safe to say they’ve got some pull over at Marvel. At the very least, they know the proper channels through which one can set up a casting like that. But, as I said earlier, we’re not even sure if we’re getting a Squirrel Girl movie, television show, or even cameo appearance at all. What’s more likely to happen (barring a major shift in Marvel’s phase planning, which has happened before), is that we might be lucky enough to get a cameo from Kendrick in a post-or-mid-credits scene.

Picture it now: Spider-Man: Homecoming (or one of its likely sequels) ends with Peter heading off to college. He arrives on freshman orientation day, standing proud outside his dorm, when he’s nearly run over by a girl with way too many bags. She apologizes profusely but doesn’t stop, and Peter goes, “What the heck?” after a small squirrel wearing a bow runs after the girl, picking up the acorns and nuts leaking from one of her suitcases. The squirrel turns around, chitters what seems to be an apology, then scampers along. Scene.

Yeah. Yeah, that’d be cool.

Honestly, I’d be happy to see either Kendrick or another fan-favorite, Shannon Purser, bring Doreen Green to life. Kendrick certainly has much more A-lister power and proven comedy credits, but Purser has a lot of that unknown star, surprise element to her. She can definitely rock the somewhat awkward though confident teenager role, as she did in Stranger Things, even if that role ended up with her meeting a less than savory fate in the Upside Down. But what matters most is that so, so many people resonated with her, her character, and her performance.

So, okay. Are you listening, Marvel? Can we just get a Squirrel Girl… something already?

(via A.V. Club)

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